What is FileLinked and How it Work ?

FileLinked or DroidAdmin. You may have confused of hearing those two names. At first this app is called DroidAdmin. Later DroidAdmin was changed to FileLinked with new Logo and design. Actually FileLinked is the successor of the DroidAdmin. Let dig deep and learn something about FileLinked and how this app actually work.

What is FileLinked ?

FileLinked is a Android application that facilitate users to download multiple files to their Android device. This app is very handy when you use it with your Android TV device like Amazon FireTV , Nvidia Shield and etc. Because if you already have Android TV device you may know how difficult it is to download multiple files with your remote.

FileLinked is mainly consist of two parts. Dashboard (Admin Panel ) and FileLinked app. Many have familiar with FileLinked app. Files you download using FileLinked app with codes are inserted and maintained using FileLinked dashboard ( www.filelinked.com/dashboard ). Any one can create account on FileLinked website and create your own FileLinked code. You can add files, add thumbnail to those files using FileLinked dashboard. You can even protect your FileLinked code by adding pin code too.

DashBoard Image

FileLinked dashboard

FileLinked App Image

filelinked screen

Example usage

Think that you have a collection of songs and want to share it others. If they use Android device and want to download those files without registering or subscribing to any other service. Then you can create account on FileLinked dashboard and upload those files and get FileLinked code. Ask your friends to download FileLinked app and give your FileLinked code. Using FileLinked code they can download your song collection easily. Friends does not need to create or login to download your songs. Just install FileLinked app and start to download songs easily without any effort. So no need to send zip files or multiple links to download each file. Sending Zip files is a headache. You have to unzip and it will download all the songs on that Zip. With FileLinked app you can download selected or wanted songs or all.

Many Youtubers create FileLinked codes and add Android APKs to make it as a Android App store. They publish those FileLinked codes for free and allow to download those Android apps for free using FileLinked app. Some add pin code to their App stores and you can get the latest working pin code by watching latest video published by relevant YouTuber. It is now becoming common thing among FileLinked code publishers.

Many people use those FileLinked codes to download latest Kodi builds and other premium APKs for free. It is much more easier to program your Android TV box with FileLinked. Once you download and install FileLinked Apk you can install all other awesome apps using FileLinked app for free.

FileLinked Does not create or share FileLinked codes

As you read before, there are consumers and producers on Filelinked. Filelinked only gives the toolset to be a producer (someone who create codes) or a consumer (someone who enter codes). As stated by Filelinked itself they do not create or share any codes with anyone. FileLinked does not host any file. Many people use DropBox to host files because it is the one and only convenient way to get direct download link for a file. You can get paid hosting and get direct links.

Download FileLinked Apk for Android

Download FileLinked Apk


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