Connect Fire TV with Bluetooth Speaker / Headphone

connect Bluetooth headset to Fire TV

How to connect your Bluetooth Speakers or headphone ( Headset / Earphone) Android TV using Fire TV ( support all Amazon Fire TV devices like Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Cube and etc). Without any nonsense let’s connect your Bluetooth device to Android TV. Note that this procedure is for Amazon Fire TV users.

Go to “Settings” on your Android TV

Fire TV Stick settings

From the settings find “Controllers & Bluetooth Devices

firestick settings bluetooth devices

From the vertical menu appear click on “Other Bluetooth Devices

firestick settings other Bluetooth devices

Now click “Add Bluetooth Devices

firestick settings add bluetooth devices

Now Fire TV will start to search for available Bluetooth devices. Using this method you can connect Bluetooth keyboard and mouse too.

At this point you should turn on your Bluetooth speaker / headphone or earphone and enable Bluetooth. Make sure your Bluetooth device is discoverable.

Firestick settings searching Bluetooth devices

Once your device is listed click on it to connect just like below picture.

firestick bluetooth speaker connected

Once your device connected you can see “Connected” message on bottom right corner of your TV.

Why Bluetooth Speakers / Headphones

Having a Fire TV will give you Android experience on your Smart TV. When you want to connect better speakers to your TV and do not want to hang wires all around the room. In that case, if your speaker set support Bluetooth you can easily connect those speakers to Fire TV. You can connect your mini Bluetooth speaker if you want.

bluetooth speaker

If you want some privacy specially when watching a Movie or listening to songs using your Android TV you can use headphones or Bluetooth Earphones. Using those devices you can enjoy your content without disturbing others. Now a days many headphone or ear phones support Bluetooth connectivity. You can use those devices to connect with Android TV.

bluetooth headphone
Bluetooth Headphone
bluetooth earphone
Bluetooth Earphone

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